The temperature keeps dropping, which means that even if the children tell us they aren't cold when they play outside (because they run around so much they stay warm), the adults certainly get cold watching them!
Winter is upon us, even if the calendar says we have a few more days of autumn left. And with the coming winter and the anticipation of Christmas, we have shifted some of our after school time. We are now focusing a great deal on creating crafts for Christmas. The children plan to bring many of them home as presents for loved ones, so I won't be showing you most of their creations so as not to give away any surprises.

However, they have displayed a few of their masterpieces around the center, so I figured those were safe to share. Enjoy some of their crafts.

They have made a variety of "stained glass" decorations. These two are on display on the French doors that lead to the great room where we do all of our crafting.

We also all wear festive hats when we craft, to get us in a festive spirit!
How are YOU preparing for Christmas?